strateegia journeys

transformation journeys



phygital space has changed the way organizations work. the understanding of a new way of thinking and acting in all facets of organizations has matured in the last 25 years accelerated in last 5 years and had an exponential boost due to the pandemic.





in times of people networks, distributed in space and time, decisions not only can but need to be made remotely and asynchronously. people are not in the same places and less and less in the same times as other people in their networks. in this context, more than ever, the written word is the true time-space machine.





to support [people] organizations in their transitions to the phygital space, we have developed a platform [] that supports journeys of strategic transformations based on the written word, in order to promote creative collaboration as the key for agile, distributed decision-making, embedded in organizational culture.

 empowers teams and leaders participate in strategic transformation journeys, in up front and on the way cycles derived from the various approaches to deal with creative collaboration organizations. the journeys are built from activities of divergence and convergence promoting strategic, collaborative, shared decision-making.





we have adapted a large set of industry standard methods to be used as part of the platform to support organizations’ transition to the phygital space and we make them all available as templates to be used freely.





in you can, in addition to exploring, using, adapting, sharing the journeys we offer, create your own journeys, adapting absolutely every single market approach to problem solving and strategy making. with very litter effort, you can design and publish your own kits that will help sort out the problema of designing and developing strategies for products, services, businesses and entire organizations.



choose your journey to start

2022 the digital strategy company – all rights reserved.

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2022 the digital strategy company – all rights reserved.