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get to know lean startup, a journey in strateegia - strateegia

lean startup

a journey that delivers a minimally viable solution in a lean and agile way

lean startup

a journey that delivers a minimally viable solution in a lean and agile way

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journey based on the lean startup methodology proposed by Eric Ries

what is it

a journey based on the lean start up methodology that, in an interactive and incremental way, seeks to eliminate waste and excesses during the process of designing a product or service, providing a minimally viable delivery in an agile way.

who invented 

the lean startup methodology was first published in 2010 by Eric Ries.

why to use 

a strategic transformation journey based on lean startup has the needed flexibility to the methodology, offering an incremental interface of interaction with customers and staff, thus allowing tests to be conducted to validate hypotheses and improvements throughout the process, in an asynchronous way.

when to use 

it is indicated when it is necessary to shorten the development cycles of products and services in a safe manner, that are validated by customers and therefore with good scalability potential.

how to use 

the strategic transformation journey based on the lean start up methodology has nine points of divergence that must be applied with the team to define each of the topics proposed by Eric Reis in its original methodology. for each topic of the original methodology we set up a divergence kit on strateegia.digital with questions to help the team to collaboratively define the decisions necessary for the project.

the steps 

each block of Eric Reis’ original methodology was converted into a divergence kit, generating the nine kits from the list below:

  • the problem
  • the clients
  • the unique value
  • the solution
  • the metrics
  • the channels
  • the costs
  • the revenues
  • unfair advantage

build your lean startup journey in strateegia

build your lean startup journey in strateegia

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2022 the digital strategy company – all rights reserved.

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1️⃣ dúvidas ou problemas técnicos
2️⃣ agendar demonstração de produto
3️⃣ planos e serviços
4️⃣ orçamento e eventos
5️⃣ outro assunto