nice model

a journey to help design or evaluate a business model and identify new ways to create value

nice model

a journey to help design or evaluate a business model and identify new ways to create value

journey based on the nice model proposed by Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott

what is it?

a journey that aims to help companies, especially e-business ones, to identify areas where they can generate value through their business models from four fronts.

who invented?

the nice methodology on which this journey is based was published in 2001 by Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott

why to use

A Strategic Transformation Journey structured around the nice model is an excellent resource for understanding business models as it provides a comprehensive and effective framework for companies to understand and implement key concepts in their business models. connecting previously disconnected parties, engaging stakeholders in new ways, or introducing new transaction mechanisms into the business.

when to use

the journey is indicated when it is necessary to implement innovation in a business model. by considering novelty, interdependence, complementarity and efficiency, companies can drive innovation, create lasting bonds with customers and partners, offer complementary products and services that add value, and improve operational efficiency. These fundamental aspects allow companies to adapt to constantly evolving market demands, increase competitiveness, achieve differentiation and drive sustainable growth.

how to use

the strategic transformation journey based on the nice model has four points of divergence that must be applied with the team to define each of the topics proposed by Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott in their original methodology. For each topic of the original methodology, we set up a divergence kit at with questions to help the team collaboratively define the necessary decisions for the project.

the steps

each block of Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott’s originalmethodology was converted into a divergence kit, generating the four kits listed below:

  • the novelty
  • the interdependence
  • the complementarity
  • the efficiency

build your nice model journey in strateegia

monte a sua jornada de design thinking em strateegia

more templates

mais templates

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2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.

2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.