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get to know pitch, a journey in strateegia - strateegia


a journey to build an efficient pitch to present and defend your innovative proposals


a journey to build an efficient pitch to present and defend your innovative proposals

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journey based on the method for creating a pitch proposed by Philip Crosby


a journey of strategic transformation based on the pitch creation method, a tool designed to support teams to prepare the speech for product and service presentations in an agile and collaborative way.

who invented

the method for creating the pitch was first published around 1996 by Philip Crosby.

why to use

a journey of strategic transformation based on the method for creating a pitch simplifies the process of strategic definitions for product and service presentations from structured divergences to work collaboratively and asynchronously at each stage of the questions formulated by Philip Crosby in the method for creating pitches.

when to use

the strategic transformation journey based on the pitch creation method can be used to assist presentations of existing products and services or new products and services that will be presented to potential investors or managers.

how to use

the strategic transformation journey based on the pitch creation method has eight divergence  points that must be dealt with by the group to define each of the topics proposed by Crosby in his original methodology. for each topic of the original method we have proposed a divergence kit at strateegia.digital with questions to help the team to collaboratively define the decisions needed to build product and service presentations for a relevant audience.

the steps

each step of Philip Crosby’s original method was structured into a divergence kit, generating the eight kits from the list below:

  • the problem
  • the market size
  • the competitors
  • the solution
  • the validation
  • the traction
  • the team
  • the offer

build your pitch journey in strateegia

build your pitch journey in strateegia

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2022 the digital strategy company – all rights reserved.

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2022 the digital strategy company – all rights reserved.

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olá, como podemos te ajudar?

1️⃣ dúvidas ou problemas técnicos
2️⃣ agendar demonstração de produto
3️⃣ planos e serviços
4️⃣ orçamento e eventos
5️⃣ outro assunto