journey based on the value proposition canvas proposed by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith.
what is it
a strategic journey that develops a value proposition for a product or service by mapping the customer’s needs, pains, expectations and desires, making it attractive to the consumer.
who invented
the value proposition canvas was published in 2014 and proposed by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith.
why use
the value proposition canvas journey is an excellent strategic tool. it directs the product or service to meet the needs of its customers, generating a delivery of significant value to the customer and that considers the functional, social and emotional aspects of their needs. in addition, it also helps to outline the company’s marketing strategies, increasing customer attraction and loyalty.
when to use
the value proposition canvas journey can be used both in the development of new products or services, and in the evaluation and improvement of existing ones. in the first option, when identifying the customer’s needs and desires, it will guide the company in the creation of a product or service that has real value for it. in the second, it will help you analyze and evaluate the “adjustment” that needs to be made to your product or service, to make it more competitive and better positioned in the market.
how to use
the strategic journey structured from the value proposition canvas has six points of divergence that must be applied with the team to define each of the topics proposed by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith in their original methodology. for each topic of the original methodology, we put together a divergence kit in with questions to help the team collaboratively define the necessary decisions for the project.