for about 30 years, the world has been undergoing a major transition from an offline world to a world where online and offline are integrated. a physical world [infrastructure, buildings, objects and the environment] amplified by the digital [software] and orchestrated by the social [relations, discourses and social practices] constituting the new phygital space-time.
the phygital space has intrinsically changed the dynamics of how organizations operate. people are no longer in the same places, they are now distributed in networks, dispersed in space and time. decisions not only can, but need to be made remotely and asynchronously. in this scenario, the written word is the real space-time machine.

organizations, which only existed in the physical dimension with some digital support, are beginning to discover that the interaction mechanisms they were using for people to collaborate in the day-to-day business, perhaps, were never really adequate.
in phygitall space-time, collaborations have been operated, to a large extent, through platforms that mimic physical environments of interaction. such mechanisms are increasingly obsolete. the perception that neither physicists nor their simulacra do not work, continues to mature and, during the covid19 pandemic, took a huge evolutionary leap.
a cultural transition is underway in business that brings with it new ways of thinking and acting in all facets of organizations. the ones that will transform in a competitive, scalable and sustainable way will not necessarily be those that have more resources – physical, financial or human, but those that are able to decide in a more agile, collaborative and creative way, treating networks of people as essential instances for making structuring decisions.
how to participate in the phygital space-time in strateegia?
from this perspective, there are several free journeys in strategy that can help decision-making processes, both adapted from classic methodologies, such as design thinking, such as some developed by us and exclusively offered by our platform such as phygital strategy. try one of our journeys, just choose and click.