design odyssey

a framework that is a flexible approach to the design process, inspired by ulysses epic journey

design odyssey

a framework that is a flexible approach to the design process, inspired by ulysses epic journey

journey based on an article written by Ryan Ford

 what is

design odyssey is an approach to the design process that is inspired by ulysses epic journey in “the odyssey”. he recognizes that design is not a linear process, but a journey full of challenges, changes and discoveries. It is divided into five phases: start, explore, the bridge, build, and finish.

who invented

design odyssey framework was first published in 2023 by Ryan Ford

why use

the advantage of using the methodology proposed by design odyssey journey is that it allows to deal more realistically with the ups and downs of the design process. it embodies the importance of empathizing with users, experimentation and collaboration, ensuring that all steps are addressed in a structured and balanced way.

when to use

should be used when looking for a more flexible and adaptive approach in the design process. it is particularly effective on projects where goals may change, users’ needs may evolve, or there is uncertainty about the way forward. the design odyssey journey helps drive the dynamic iteratively and deal with the complexities and challenges that arise throughout the design process.

how to use

the strategic transformation journey based on the design odyssey framework has five points of divergence that must be applied with the team to define each of the topics proposed by Ryan Ford in his original framework. for each topic, we put together a divergence kit at with questions to help the team collaboratively define the necessary decisions to build the design odyssey journey.

the steps

each block of Ryan Ford’s original framework was converted into a divergence kit, generating the five kits listed below:

  • start
  • exploration
  • the bridge
  • construction
  • conclusion

monte a sua jornada de design thinking em strateegia

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2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.

2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.

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