tao of shanzhai

a powerful innovation journey for organizations of all sizes, based on concepts from chinese philosophy and culture

tao of shanzhai

a powerful innovation journey for organizations of all sizes, based on concepts from chinese philosophy and culture

a journey based on the methodology proposed by André Neves, designer, professor and associate scientist of the TDS Company

what is it

a strategic journey to innovation that integrates chinese concepts such as tao, zhen ji, xian zhan, fuzhi and zhēnchéng into a design process with an innovative perspective.

who invented

the tao of shanzhai framework was created and published in 2023 by professor André Neves, associate scientist at TDS Company

why to use

the journey helps to empower organizations to navigate the path of innovation effectively. It offers valuable information on cultivating a receptive mindset and culture, iterative improvement and authentic involvement with stakeholders, paving the way for sustainable success in the dynamic business environment.

when to use?

the tao of shanzhai journey is a powerful tool for organizations of all sizes, from startups to large corporations. ideal to be used to drive authentic and iterative innovation through a process that encourages organizations to remain true to their identity, even as they evolve and adapt to a constantly changing market scenario.

how to use

the journey of strategic transformation based on the tao of shanzhai framework has five points of divergence that must be applied over time to define each one of the topics proposed by André Neves in his original methodology. for each topic we set up a digital strategy divergence kit with quests to help the time to collaboratively define the necessary decisions.

the steps

each block of the methodology proposed by André Neves was transformed into a divergence kit, generating the five kits listed below:

  • finding your tao
  • identifying zhen ji
  • applying xian zhan
  • creating fuzhi
  • practicing zhēnchéng

build your tao of shanzhai journey in strateegia

monte a sua jornada de design thinking em strateegia

more templates

mais templates

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2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.

2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.

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