very soon in strateegia, in a matter of moments, you will be able to generate a starting point in your journey, on any subject and in any language, from the use of the most advanced artificial intelligence features.

just select the point and define the subject to be addressed and our platform will structure a kit for you with a general introduction on the subject, structuring questions to conduct the dynamics with the participants and references to research and delve into the content covered.

the functionality can be used in journeys of various natures, from learning processes to dynamics that include the creation of business strategies or the development of innovation with products and services.
in addition to the content at the starting point, new resources for extracting, analyzing, rewriting and generating text will soon be offered from the answers and information provided by the participants of the journey, allowing for several content developments.
let’s try it? sign up now to soon experience the most advanced artificial intelligence resources in your strateegia journeys.