what is the phygital school?
the school is a place of learning, of ideation of possible worlds and of revision of lived worlds. as such, it is a fundamental
the school is a place of learning, of ideation of possible worlds and of revision of lived worlds. as such, it is a fundamental
in the context of physical space-time, organizations have learned, and continue to learn, to expand physical spaces through digital platforms for the most diverse
for about 30 years, the world has been undergoing a major transition from an offline world to a world where online and offline are
in an article published in January 2022, mckinsey points out the excess of disordered interactions as the challenge to be overcome so that organizations
em artigo publicado em janeiro de 2022, a mckinsey aponta o excesso de interações desordenadas como o desafio a ser superado para que organizações consigam explorar comunidades de colaborações criativas de maneira produtiva e com a velocidade e assertividade necessárias ao sucesso de seus negócios.
2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.
2022 The Digital Strategy Company – Todos os direitos reservados.