engage your students in structured debates. create creative conflicts and promote the construction of collective knowledge.
create your figital class in strateegia. take your students to learn in a dynamic of interactive collaboration, where knowledge is built collectively anywhere, and each one in their own time.

start your free learning journey
teaching in strateegia is as easy as learning in strateegia. in the learning journeys, you can make all the necessary content available in different formats [video, text, animation, etc] – promote debates on the topics addressed – synchronously or asynchronously, centralize communications with the class, as well as monitor the performance of students during each stage of the learning journey.
each journey in strateegia is based on an activity map [map points]. to structure activities strateegia offers four types of points to be added to the journey map:
conversation points – where the teacher indicates times and places for synchronous meetings with students, for example, synchronous classes [face-to-face or remote];
notice points – where the teacher leaves information for all participants of the journey and strateegia sends it to people through their registered emails in strateegia;
points of divergence – where the teacher indicates references [content in different media] to be consulted by students [who can collaborate by adding more content] and where people propose, debate, select hypotheses based on structuring questions indicated by teachers; and,
points of convergence – where people validate the group’s choices and build consensus around the topics discussed during the day.
in strateegia, the journeys are personalized, each teacher can build their maps to meet the specific needs of their classes [remote or face-to-face].